New Security Access
The new system is up an running and most of you have already returned your old fobs and have gained access to the locks. There are a few things that I would like to mention.
This is a new system for all of us. So please bear with us as we might not have an answer for you right away. So far the system is working great but, as with anything that is new, there will be some unavoidable hiccups.
If you already have the openpath app as an EYC member or somewhere else, we will still need to link your app to our system.
I want to remind everyone that your old fobs that are now obsolete, but still need to be returned if you want credit for it. If we do not have the key, there will not be a refund issued for it.
When you are inquiring about gaining access to the mobile app, we need to register an email address, first and last name and mobile phone number of the person gaining access.
I want to share something that Talisa taught me, you don’t even need to take your phone out of your pocket. You can just wave your hand in front of the reader! So cool!
Are you Recycling?
Grand Marina would like to encourage all of our boaters to properly dispose of their recyclables. Our recycling center is located right in front of ABC gatehouse.
We have a separate cardboard container, we ask that you consider the size of the container and break down your boxes. Grand Marina also recycles used oil and boat batteries. Call the office for assistance.
If you have other waste you would like to dispose of, the County of Alameda takes household hazardous waste. The collection facility is located @ 2100 East 7th Street in Oakland.
Restroom/Shower Etiquette
The Grand Marina restroom and shower facilities are shared by all members and their guests. The facility can become unsightly to the next person if we do not use some etiquette.
Please use the receptacles for your discarded items and trash. Please be mindful of the time you are using the shower if there is someone waiting to use it. Please report issues that affect the use of the facilities (such as clogged drains). As always, if you have constructive suggestions please let us know by dropping in the suggestion box located at the entrance of the bathroom.
Relay for Life celebrates in Alameda
Alameda is the first community in the Bay Area to become involved in Relay for Life. The city has raised more than $1 million in the fight against cancer.
When: July 22nd, 2023 Time: 10:00AM-10:00PM
Where: Leydecker Park 3225 Mecartney Road
Activities will be set up around the track, at team campsites and at the Fight Back Tent, including informational tables, games and other activities geared toward cancer prevention and awareness, as well as to raise money.
At dusk, luminaries will be placed around the track in remembrance of loved ones fighting cancer and those lost.
And for the past eighteen years Grand Marina’s very own Dockmaster, Ray Corral, leader of tern Grand Marina Cares, will be there for the entire event. Ray would be proud to walk a lap or two with anyone from the marina who stops by to show their support.
Tenants who choose to make a contribution to the Relay for Life can drop off donations to the Grand Marina office and it will be delivered to the Cancer Society care of Ray. And remember, anything helps!
Dock Clean Up
As stated in previous newsletters, we are continually trying to improve the appearance of the marina and we ask for your help in clearing the clutter. As you know we are now asking all berthers to remove all obstructions from the docks. Bikes, plants, lawn gnomes and anchor chain … everything. The only thing you are allowed to have on your dock fingers are steps, which must not take up more than half of the finger. Dinghies and kayaks are allowed in your slip or in front of your slip but should not use any walkway space.
There are two good reasons to clean up our docks. The first and most obvious is, curb appeal. The condition of our marina is a reflection of all of us and we want to keep it as clean as possible.
Second, is responsibly. We should all do our best to clear obstructions for safety reasons as well as environmental reasons. If our maintenance guys need to rush to a slip we do not want them tripping over something that should not be there. If anything falls off of the dock and in to the bay, that would be bad too.
Updated Contact Information
If you have changed your address, phone number or email address, please contact the Harbor Office to provide us with the new information.
It is very important that we are able to contact you, especially in the event of an emergency with your vessel.