2099 GRAND STREET, ALAMEDA, CA 94501 | PHONE: (510) 865-1200 | FAX: (510) 865-1240

Email: Marina@grandmarina.com | Latitude 37 46.73 North-Longitude 122 15.13 West

December 2024 Newsletter

Grand Marina Holiday Dock Walk & Lighted Boat Contest

Join us on Friday, DECEMBER 6th, at 5 pm!!

Grand Marina Holiday Dock Walk & Lighted Boat Contest we will be hosting our 17th annual Holiday Dock Walk! All tenants are encouraged to decorate their boats with lights or any décor and just go “all out” with holiday enthusiasm. Also, participate in walking the docks and enjoying Christmas Carols while drinking hot chocolate and coffee.
Meet us at the ABC Gatehouse
Prizes will be awarded for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place so join the festive excitement, get creative, and have some fun!

Holiday Office Schedule

The Harbormaster’s Office will be closed on Tuesday, December 24th and Wednesday, December 25th.
We hope everyone has a wonderful holiday with family and friends!

Join the Lighted Yacht Parade

The 48th Annual Lighted Yacht Parade will take place Saturday, Dec. 7 on the Estuary. The parade will begin just after sunset, around 5:30 p.m. The parade will start between Wind River and
the Fortman Marina’s public pier (the parade ‘staging area’). Starting at about 5:30pm the boats will proceed down the Alameda side of the estuary past Encinal and Oakland Yacht Clubs, where the judges are.

Do good, donate if you can

Again this year, Grand Marina will participate in Oakland Firefighters Random Acts of Kindness Drive and the Alameda County Food Bank. If you want to share this Holiday Season, bring up a brand new unwrapped toy or any unexpired, unopened food to the Harbor Office, and drop it in the barrel.
Give back and spread the joy.
Thanks for sharing!

More information about Oakland Firefighters Random Acts:
To provide immediate goods and services to people in need in the community and to provide outreach to schools, hospitals and other community organizations through programs and services.
More information about Alameda County Community Food Bank: Through a network of 240 member agencies and direct distribution programs, the Food Bank distributes enough food to provide 540,000
meals weekly.

First Aid Stocking Stuffers

Need some thoughtful or useful ideas for stocking-stuffers, for the boat enthusiast on your gift list this holiday? Try some of these suggestions: they are the perfect size for stockings
and you can never have too many first aid items aboard…

Instruments – Leatherman, thermometer, scissors, tweezers, small magnifying lens, single edge razor blade, needle and thread, strikeanywhere matches in a waterproof case, pencil and pad.
Wounds – Betadine, band aids, butterfly closures, Benzion tincture, clean sponges, polysporin ointment, 2” roller gauze, 1” adhesive tape, exeroform gauze, latex gloves, SAM Splint, and tape.
Medications – Tylenol, Ibuprofen, Pepto- Bismal chewables, Benadryl (for nausea, itching, and runny noses), throat lozenges and oil of cloves (to numb a bad toothache).
Skincare – Waterproof sunscreen, aloe, insect repellent, sting-ease, and hydrogen peroxide.